My little runaway

At 5 o'clock this morning, I woke up Mom to go potty outside. I wanted to go in the backyard, but Mom knew that Juno would also want to go in the backyard and would baroo and baroo. At that time of the day, there are so many good smells that Juno just can't help herself. So, she took me in the front, where there's no fence. Juno doesn't like the front as much, so she waited patiently inside.
I really did have to go potty, so Mom let go of my collar. I peed, but when I was done, I took a quick look at Mom and bolted. I ran over to Mrs. Brose's house. Mom called me, and I looked at her. "Should I go back to her?" I thought. "No! I'll go sniff and sniff in the neighbor's yard. Maybe I can play hide-and-go-seek with Mom, too."
Well, Mom played a dirty trick on me. She went inside instead of playing with me! Something to do with having to get a pair of shoes to wear.
I had to go back. I decided the backyard was where I wanted to be, especially by the grape vine. Mom hopes I'm not eating grapes, which are supposed to be bad for dogs.
Dear Atlas,
I love to go exploring in the neighborhood, too. The best time was the time last winter that I made Mom go ALL the way around the block -- wearing only her pajamas and a pair of Dad's too-big boots -- to find me waiting for her on the back steps. Heh. That was fun!
(and Trish @
Dear Sonic,
When I was a kid, I constantly tried to get out of the house. When I succeeded, I didn't go far--but I sure had fun. But as I've gotten older, I've realized that my two hours of daily walks pretty much do the job for me. Why run away? I've got a good deal here--comfortable couches, a window to look out of, and all the treats I want.
Wait, what am I saying? Of course I don't get all the treats I want. I only get as many as Mom thinks are good for me, and maybe more than what Dad thinks are good for me. Hmmm, maybe I will run away.
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