Sunday, July 25, 2004

I must surf

You've heard of my love of swimming. Another favorite pasttime of mine is surfing: countersurfing.

It's not just that I enjoy standing up on my hind legs and scrounging for food on the counter--it's that I must do it. My Mom yells at me, but I take no notice. Her threats have no effect on me. I must sniff around on the counter, even though I rarely find anything. When I do find something to eat, though, you can be sure it's down my gullet faster than you can say Rumplestiltsbone.

It's not as much fun when only Dad is at home. My surfing doesn't seem to bother him as much. What's really no fun at all is when neither of my parents is at home. They think I don't countersurf unless someone is there to watch. Are they right? Well, that's my secret. They may find out, though, if Dad ever gets around to rigging that Webcam in the kitchen.


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